CONGRATULATIONS to VINCENT ENRIQUEZ and FAMILY for the grant of their permanent residency visas (Subclass 186 | ENS) today, 14 January 2021 (Thursday).
Vincent is a highly skilled Panelbeater working at RPM Mitchell (AMA Group / Gemini) ACT Australia. Thank you AMA Group for all the help and assistance in making this application a success.
Words from Vincent:
“Thank you po sir. Sa mga naitulong nyo saakin at sa family ko since from the start of my application, Thankyou sa Focus team And Uniplan

(In English: Thank you for all your help to me and my family since the start of my application.
Thank you to FOCUS Team and Uniplan)
Roy Rodolfo Lao Nicomedes, a Licensed Migration Agent (MARN 0742343 / MIA 2685) of FOCUS AUSTRALIA MIGRATION SERVICES.
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